Please see the newsletter for safety updates regarding our reopening. We look forward to seeing all learners for daily in person learning. We will be wearing masks as the year starts. See you September 2nd!
View and download the yearly school calendar here:
Thank you to all the families & caregivers that came out for our Mid-Summer Reading Check-in. It was so great to see you all. Did you know you can find the smore on your Chromebook in your Lawrence Bookmarks. Take a peek at this week's smore.
The first day of school for students is September 2nd. There have been no department of health updates sent to schools, however today the state education department announced guidance will be coming to address questions around the wearing of masks, social distancing, remote learning, and transportation.
We will keep you informed and thank you for your patience and support.
We look forward to the start of school!
Dr. Pedersen
The Midsummer Check-In Event is beginning now! We look forward to seeing all of our learners at 195 Broadway from 9 to 11 AM! Come pick up your FREE books and shirt!
I hope you're enjoying the great summer weather we are having by exercising both, your mind and your body. Please join us on Tuesday, August 10th from 9am-11am at the 195 Broadway Campus for our Mid-Summer Check-In Event! I can't wait to hear about all the books you have read thus far and your summer reading plans going forward!
Keep in mind, all students that attend will receive a FREE T-shirt and more books to enhance your personal library. See you soon!
~Mr. Perry
Free books, snacks & T-shirts. I can't wait to see you all there 💕 Come on down tomorrow to 195 Broadway for our Mid-Summer Reading check-in 📚 from 9 to 11am. Summer Reading Issue #6 is available now too ... Check it out 😁
Only 4 days until our Midsummer Check-in Event! We look forward to seeing all of our students and families. Stop by 195 Broadway on Tuesday morning between 9AM-11AM to pick out 2 books and receive your shirt! Also, students who attended one of the virtual "Mentally Strong" workshops with Dr. Romie will be able to pick-up their prizes.
Good morning Lawrence families! We are happy to announce our Midsummer Check-In Event will be on Tuesday, August 10th from 9AM – 11AM at 195 Broadway. During the event, students will have the opportunity to pick 2 free books to add to their home library. They will also receive their free shirt and snack. We look forward to seeing all of you on Tuesday!
It has been a busy summer in Lawrence, with a focus on construction and instruction. School will open on September 2nd. Once we have guidance from the Department of Health we will share any updates with you.
Here is a summer general update link
Hoping you are having a fabulous summer. Issue # 5 - The latest edition of our Summer Reading smore is ready for you. Check it out here 😁
Good afternoon Lawrence Middle School Families! We invite you and your children to join us for an interactive virtual workshop on Wednesday, August 4th at 6:30PM with Dr. Romie Mushtaq focusing on preparing the whole child - academically physically and mentally for the upcoming school year! For more information and to register visit:
Welcome to Issue #4 of our Summer Reading Smore. The Lawrence Summer Reading Challenge continues. Did you Know? Only students who read 15 minutes or more a day saw accelerated reading gains—that is, gains higher than the national average—and students who read just over a half-hour to an hour per day saw the greatest gains of all. Check out this week's Summer Reading Smore here:
Summer Reading is for me and for you. 😍
Issue # 3 of our Summer Reading Smore is now available.
Check it out!
Check out our weekly Summer Reading Smore. Issue #2
Pick up a book and Read. Find some time to read everyday. All students are encouraged to write down their thoughts or draw a picture in their Summer Reading Journals.
Check out our weekly Summer Reading Smore. Pick up a book and Read. All families are encouraged to read daily. Whether you read aloud to one another or just share some quiet time reading together on your own. Students are encouraged to write down their thoughts or draw a picture in their Summer Reading Journals
Dear Parent/Guardian of Rising 7th-12th Grade Students,
I am pleased to inform you that this summer, you child can take Summer Enrichment Courses. These courses include:
Advanced Placement Science (grades 9-12)
Honors STEAM Research Projects 1 & 2 (grades 9-12)
SAT Preparation (grades 9-12)
Honors Career Explorations 1 & 2 (grades 9-12)
STEAM Research Projects (grades 7-8)
Career Explorations 1 & 2 (grades 7-8)
Each session is only 12 days, and all but SAT Preparations earn your child a half credit at Lawrence High School.
To register your child for these courses, use the link below.
Whether or not courses run is subject to enrollment. Your child will get to learn and earn coursework that looks good on his/her high school transcript. We hope that you will take advantage of this unique summer opportunity.
Summer Enrichment Program registration is NOW OPEN!
Please sign up today through June 30, 2021.
Note, this is NOT Summer School for Failed Courses!
8th grade graduates with the last name between the letters of A-Mc are participating in 9:30am ceremony. Students with the last name between Me-Z are participating in the 11am ceremony. A-Mc students MUST meet at the middle school by 8:15am, as the bus departs at 8:30am. Me-Z students MUST meet at the middle school by 9:45am, as the bus departs at 10am to Sunny Atlantic Beach Club which is located on 2035 Ocean Blvd. Atlantic Beach, NY 11509. Parents must arrange transportation home for their child. Transportation will not be provided at the conclusion of the ceremony. Families that DID NOT respond with their ticket request online, WILL NOT be allowed to attend graduation.
Below are the links to both live streams...
9:30am -
11:00am -
8th Grade Promotional Ceremony this Thursday, June 24th!
8th grade graduates with the last name between the letters of A-Mc are participating in 9:30am ceremony. Students with the last name between Me-Z are participating in the 11am ceremony. A-Mc students must meet at the middle school by 8:15am, as the bus departs at 8:30am. Me-Z students must meet at the middle school by 9:45am, as the bus departs at 10am to Sunny Atlantic Beach Club. Parents must arrange transportation home. Transportation will not be provided at the conclusion of the ceremony.
Tickets can be picked up at the school on Tuesday, June 22nd and Wednesday, June 23rd from 8:45am-2:30pm. All guest will be checked at the door. Your tickets are not mandatory to show at the door, however will help to move everything faster.
Calls will be made to families for any additional ticket request that were approved.
As mentioned before, the ceremony will be lived streamed. Below are the links to both live streams...
9:30am -
11:00am -
Yearbooks will also be available when you pick up your tickets.
Please see our calendar of events for the last week of school.
Monday, June 21st- Regular Full Day with Live Instruction for all.
Tuesday, June 22nd- Living Environment Regents for 8th grade students that are required to take exam, report to school regular time and will be dismissed at 12pm. Remote instruction for all students not taking exam. 7th & 8th grade students not taking exam remain home.
Wednesday, June 23rd- Algebra Regents for 7th & 8th grade students that are required to take exam, report to school regular time and will be dismissed at 12pm. Remote/Live instruction for all students not taking exam. 7th & 8th grade students not taking the exam remain home.
Thursday, June 24th- 8th grade graduation @ 9:30am and 11am! No Live instruction for 8th graders. 7th grade GOLD & GREEN students will report to Full Day/Live instruction.
Friday, June 25th- Half Day/Live instruction for all. Early dismissal for all.
7th graders-10:23am dismissal
8th graders-11:15am dismissal