Student Government

School Announcement #1

Any 7th Grade student who was not able to go to the Hall Of Science but would like to go, please see Ms. Barrett during lunch for your free ticket.

Student Gov. #2

Penny Wars have begun! Students will find a jar for their grade near the main office. Please spare your change as its 7th VS 8th Grade. The grade with the most by spring break wins a special treat at lunch!

Student Gov. #3

Attention 8th Graders! If you didn’t bring the 8th grade dues, please bring an envelope with the money + Signed permission slips to Ms. Posner or Ms. Polumbo as soon as possible! If you do not pay, you will not participate in any of the activities! Thank you!

Student Gov. #4

Attention 7th + 8th Grade battle of the classes is around the corner! Lots of fun games as you go ahead to head! 7th Grade VS 8th Grade! Which grade will come out on top! Sign up with Polumbo or Posner to play on Friday, May 17th from 3:30 - 5:30. Thank you!