School Announcement

As a reminder, LES NY Testing will take place THIS WEEK, Tuesday through Friday.

In order to maintain a focused testing environment throughout the school, LMS Students will only go to lockers at the following times:

Before 1st Period ( Arrival )

After 5th Period

After 8th Period ( Dismissal )

Student Government Announcements

Attention all! If you are interested in attending the staff vs student volleyball game, please stop by Ms. Posner’s room to get a permission slip! The game is now on April 8th!

Student Gov. #2 Penny Wars have begun! Students will find a jar for their grade near the main office. Please spare your change as its 7th VS 8th Grade. The grade with the most by spring break wins a special treat at lunch!

Student Gov. #3 Attention 8th Graders! If you didn’t bring the 8th grade dues, please bring an envelope with the money + Signed permission slips to Ms. Posner or Ms. Polumbo as soon as possible! If you do not pay, you will not participate in any of the activities! Thank you!