Student Government

Attention all! If you are interested in attending the staff vs student volleyball game, please stop by Ms. Posner’s room to get a permission slip! The game is now on April 8th!

Penny Wars have begun! Students will find a jar for their grade near the main office. Please spare your change as its 7th VS 8th Grade. The grade with the most by spring break wins a special treat at lunch!

Attention 8th Graders! If you didn’t bring the 8th grade dues, please bring an envelope with the money + Signed permission slips to Ms. Posner or Ms. Polumbo as soon as possible! If you do not pay, you will not participate in any of the activities! Thank you!

There is 7th Grade orchestra , 7th Grade Band and 8th Grade Chorus rehearsal today. Our concerts are coming up soon - Practice your music, attend rehearsals and do your best.

As a reminder, LES NY Testing will take place THIS WEEK, Tuesday through Friday.

In order to maintain a focused testing environment throughout the school, LMS Students will only go to lockers at the following times:

Before 1st Period ( Arrival )

After 5th Period

After 8th Period ( Dismissal )