The ARC will be opening on Tuesday, October 24th. The ARC stands for Alternative Restorative Center. If you receive an ARC from a teacher or your administrator it will be from 7:00-7:45 am or 2:45-3:30pm. If you are given a notice that you must attend an ARC, you MUST go! If not, you will be given more consequences like in-school suspension. You meet at the Library. If you have any questions related to the ARC, please see Mr. Schiavo in the Main office.

Bathroom Policy – Mr. Rengifo

Good morning Lawrence Family, Bathrooms will open 5 minutes after the period starts and close 5 minutes before the period ends. Teachers please send one student at a time with a pass.

Student Volunteerism

Calling All Students: Have you completed any volunteer hours yet? Consider the following activities: 2. Blood Drive 10/30- see Mr. Walker/Ms. Weinstein 3. Veteran's Day Flag Preparation-see Ms. Stanley 4. Spooky Tangle wood Volunteers needed for the month of Oct- see Mrs. Stanley 5. Talent Show 11/30-See Mr. Ziff 6. Jamaica Bay Wildlife Refuge and other National Parks- see nps.gov 7. Salute to First Responders Football Game 10/28- See Mr. Verone

Guidance News

Monroe College will be visiting at 10:25 am in the Little Theater on Friday, October 20th

SUNY Farmingdale College will be visiting at 12:10 pm in the Little Theater on same date.

Computer Art

The computer art Club will meet today after school in the Mac Lab room 233. Please join and see new and exciting activities being planned. NEW members are encouraged to join in on the fun.

Girls Basketball Meeting

Any girls interested in trying out for basketball, please attend the preseason meeting taking place today, October 19th at 3:15pm in the cafeteria.

Athletic Sports Physicals

Attention Athletes: The district doctor will be at the high school on November 2nd to conduct physicals for athletic clearance. If you need an updated medical form, you must see Nurse Brooks before you can see the doctor on November 2nd. Anyone looking to tryout for a Winter sport should see Nurse Brooks to check on medical clearance status.

Senior news!

"Dear Seniors,

Start your day with a bagel - icious breakfast!

You are cordially invited to attend a delicious Fall Senior breakfast - the most important meal of the day! in our school cafeteria tomorrow, Oct. 20. at 8:15 am FREE of COST! You will have a chance to meet your classmates and discuss future events, as well as your plans upon graduation. The breakfast items are provided by our amazing PTA parents, your contributions, and fundraising efforts of your officers made it possible, thank you!!!!

You will be scanning upon entry and the attendance will be taken.

Hope to see you there!!!"

National Honor Society

The National Honor Society will be hosting Safe Trick or Treat at the High School on Thursday October 26th from 5-7pm. We are in need of donations of Candy for our young trick or treaters. The candy must be nut free and the packaging must state that it was made in a nut free factory. All donations can be given to Mr. Callahan in Room 222.

Hebrew Culture Club

The Hebrew Culture Club will meet today after school in Art room 132. at 2:45. All are welcome! We will have a donation box to collect essential items that we will send to support Israel More info to follow.

Junior Class Club

The Junior class will meet today afterschool in room 323.