***P R E S S R E L E A S E***
Lawrence Students Win Lawrence Elementary School’s Yearbook Contest
LAWRENCE, NEW YORK (JANUARY, 2022)—Lawrence Elementary School 6th grade students recently participated in their annual PTA Year Book Contest. Participating 6th-grade students were asked to design a front and back cover for their school’s 2021-2022 yearbook. PTA members and parents then selected their favorites.
“Our students have great artistic and creative skills,” said Rina Beach, Principal of Lawrence Elementary School. “It’s awesome to see our students have the chance to showcase their art skills for everyone to see. Special thanks to your PTA for arranging the contest!”
Participants were asked to draw on an 8.6 x 11 piece of paper in a portrait format; including Lawrence Elementary School’s name and the year 2021-2022; and draw using markers, crayons, and colored pencils.
For more information about the Lawrence Union Free School District and the latest District news please visit www.lawrence.org.
Photo 1: Winners Michelle S. and Yuliana A. standing with their yearbook cover artwork.

Photo 2: Yuliana’s yearbook cover artwork