Full S.T.E.A.M. Ahead!

Students in Ms. Mena's sixth grade bilingual class had an opportunity to participate in project-based learning by creating S.T.E.A.M. projects. Students had to do extensive research on a topic of their choice, culminating in the invention of something! 

The S.T.E.A.M. projects that the students in the sixth grade bilingual class designed helped the students to learn how to problem solve, communicate, collaborate, innovate, and be creative. In addition, Ms. Mena's students had to compile their research onto Google Slides and present their invention to students from other classes in the auditorium!


*S.T.E.A.M. invention by Alva Sesam Perez, Jhostin Bonilla, & Leslie Ruano Salazar: Backpack Alert (if you feel like you're in danger press a button to alert you parents!)*

*S.T.E.A.M. invention by Adrian Ordeñana Garcia & Jasmin Vasquez: Dream Travel (a virtual reality experience that allows you to travel to the place of your dreams!)*

*S.T.E.A.M. invention by Zulivan Lopez Hidalgo & Esnayder Saquiche: Zeus Boards (store things under your skateboard in a compartment!)*

*S.T.E.A.M. invention by Ashly Muñoz Zeledon & Ariana Meza Santos (a refrigerated basket to store food--- you can also cook in the basket!)*


*S.T.E.A.M. invention by Staysi Vargas Mendoza & Rosa Medina Rodriguez: Slime (why buy slime from the store when you can make your own at home!)*

*S.T.E.A.M. invention by Jostin Parrales Sevilla & Edward Rodezno Paz: BoBu Drops H2O (instead of using a plastic water bottle which is harmful to the environment, stay hydrated by consuming an edible and biodegradable water droplet that contains vitamins!)*


*S.T.E.A.M. invention by Alisson Funes Castro & Yunaisy Orozco Hernandez: Cozy Vista (a fire pit with a solar powered TV; the size of the TV determines the price of the Cozy Vista!)*